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  Hortus Conclusus

Fiori Di-versi
Fiore dell'amante gentile, pagine di vecchi  libri, acrilico su tela montata su legno con graffette e cornice in ferro, 50x170, 2013

We have all wished some time that we could get up at dawn and look for the magic Flower of sunrise. The artist has tried to set out on this search and has, in her imagination, captured the essence of that quickly fading flower. Each work clearly hints at the story behind it, starting from the title itself that Brigitta Rossetti has assigned to them, such as Flower of the gentle lover, Flower within the walls, Flower amidst the rubble, Flower of memory. It is above all in these works that the close link between the artist and poetry, which has always appeared to be a core value since her first appearance in the artistic world, can be easily detected.

Flower of fine gold is reminiscent of a poem by Camillo Sbarbaro:

The girl that walks under the trees
is only burdened by the weight of her plaits,
 while trying to whisper a song.
She sings alone
 and jumps along the road, as she does not know
 that never will she enjoy greater gift
than the little bit of fine gold on her shoulders
and the joy not yet openly expressed.

Fiore tra le mura, pagine di vecchi libri, acrilico su tela montata su legno con graffette e cornice in ferro, 52x200, 2013Such lines , just like the flowers that score the old pages, are evocative of a golden age, like the age of youth, the age of innocence and of inner cleanliness, which is likely to be soon destroyed by the horrors of the world, as can be perceived from Flowers amidst the rubble, prompted by Salvatore Quasimodo's lines “and the nightingale fell off the aerial up above the convent, where he had been chirping before sunset” mourning over the city of Milan destroyed by bombings in 1943.
These are powerful issues, fully absorbed by the artist, as she herself declares when she describes one of her recurrent dreams “where my flowers become swords and lilies: two di-verse objects, yet both heralding peace”.

Heights, colours, words are the elements of an artistic course which shuns representational painting or a traditional still life portrait. They are Di-verse Flowers as they hold inside the essence of things.

For example Flower of memory is reminiscent of oriental philosophy, in which the universe is often considered as a wide book open before the eyes of men who can read in it their thirst of knowledge, despite a struggle against time and the mystery of life which makes them swing like flowers swept by the wind.

Flowers have a short life, we know it, yet they also have the capacity of arising powerful emotions in our hearts. Emotions originate from a careful observation of history and nature and from the interpretation of the verb to flower, which opens out to life, feelings and prosperity.

The section is only representative of the artistic production of Brigitta Rossetti
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