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  Hortus Conclusus

Sounding flowers

A composition with notes, flower stems, setting sun and orchestra conductor

It is a matter of contact navigation with Brigitta Rossetti's works , which particularly  true for  this creation, imbued as it is  with sensations, colours and scents, notes and poetry lines. The hues and colours lead into serenity, although the light breeze that whispers through the stems is apparently likely to arouse a sense of anxiety. Not so, on the contrary....this work, which represents for the artist who created it a “composition of living nature”, inspires vivid reflection as prompted by the rich array of its elements, since the work originated from the mixture of a painted background landscape - a sort of mirage – a musical composition hidden amid the stems, a music stand rising as a sculpture in real space and an old book, an early 20th-century edition of Giuseppe Parini's poem Il Giorno.

Such an interplay of  'absent-presences', which has been a feature always cherished by the artist since the very beginning h of her career, is here intended to prompt the viewer to imagine a human figure behind the stand, or, even better, man!

The allusive music stand, which pops out like a thin stem from a vase,  leads us to perceive ourselves as orchestra conductors. The creation is fairly original and enables the viewer to witness a repeated metamorphosis of signiieds and signifiers in real time. The result of such an alchemic process is a perfect synthesis of ingredients which  on the whole makes it a magic output, thanks to a formula that only the artist knows.

This Composition with notes, flower stems, setting sun and orchestra conductor, just like other works by Brigitta Rossetti, can be fully appreciated by inhaling its inherent olfactory sensations of spices and Oriental seas, which have frequently contaminated Brigitta's artistic and life choices, a “musical sigh”, as D'Annunzio brilliantly defined the lines by Carmelo Errico, which were the inspiring creative drive  for L'Ideale', the famous musical composition by Francesco Paolo Tosti which evokes a romantic ideal that Brigitta Rossetti suggests  we should pursue, since there we can look for the fulfilment of our dreams where and how we wish that to happen.

Composizione di note, gambi di fiori, sole calante e direttore d'orchestra, Acrilico su tela, collage, scultura in ferro, vecchio libro, 200x150, 2014  

I followed you like a peace rainbow
across the vaults of the sky
I followed you like a friendly light
In the shroud of the night
And I sensed you in the light, in the air
In the scented flowers;
And the lonely room was filled
With your presence and your splendour.


These are the lines that seem to resound amid the thin rushes and are reassembled as music in the ideal score that animates the flowers: Visions are enterwined with our own reality  and the painting is there, alive, stretched before us wrapped in the elegance of its chromatic beauty and asking us to leaf through the yellowed pages of the Libretto that rests on the stand.

The morning rises accompanied by dawn
Before the sun majestically soars up
Above the farthest horizon to cheer
Animals and plants, and fields and waves.

Since its very start the Libretto by Giuseppe Parini, one of the leading avant-garde figures of Italian Enlightenment, chosen by the artist for the completion of her work, describes  time and of the day from a new perspective with a harsh criticism of frivolities, stupidity, libertinism, corruption and idleness

The message implicit in the artist's work is clear: history flows on and situations continuously recur, even though the protagonists and  social classes keep changing. Since the very start of her artistic career Brigitta Rossetti has directed her attention towards social changes, trying to fing a balance between history and future.

In more mature artistic achievements her style has attained a sort of foreseeing  quality and in works like the present she matches completely different cultural outlooks: old Europe and the East which will contaminate all our activities. Brigitta Rossetti is actually a many-sided artist, at the same time visionary and concrete, carefully considering global changes; therefore her works are timeless indeed.

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